Patient Testimonials

Read inspiring feedback from our cancer patients about our services

Read Testimonials from our Cancer Patients

Hear From Our Patients About Their Experience with CTOAM

Sitting watching the sunrise
"I‘ve just trusted in the medical system in this country forever and I was really surprised to find that by going to a private oncologist I could get the drugs I actually need versus the drugs they [BCCA] could give me. Alex was able to help me get these drugs, so I’m not paying for them. I’ve been on the [targeted] drugs now for a few months and I feel better than I’ve felt in a couple of years. I feel really good – like, shockingly good. And I’m not having any side effects from them at all. I feel fabulous. Although I do often have tired days still."
Lisa, breast cancer patient (British Columbia, Canada)

"The knowledge base, expertise, and attention to detail that CTOAM extended to me underscores their professional services and made me better informed and able to make more effective decisions regarding my treatment options. There is no dollar value that you can put on the strength of such support and the courage it gives one to go forward in life."
Miranda Ranger, cancer patient (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)

"I am amazed at the amount of detail that CTOAM assembled and I can assure you that I’m now aware of how in depth they go with their personalized approach. I want you to know what a difference you are making in my life."
Ron Edgar, carcinoma patient (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

"CTOAM seeks to provide a personalized approach to managing a patient’s cancer. Their research scientists are up to date on the latest advances in cancer research so that the plan they outline for each patient maximizes their chances for a successful outcome. It is my belief that all cancer patients would be better served by this collaborative approach to treatment."
Sonja Fasoli, breast cancer patient (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)

"I highly recommend Cancer Treatment Options And Management as they have made such a difference in the quality of my life, and my family. CTOAM has also given me direction in the questions to ask my doctors and with their vast knowledge in cancer, have given me the confidence to be aware of my body and any changes."
Gail Friestadt, carcinoma patient (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)

Choose Your Cancer Treatment with Confidence

CTOAM Precision Oncology can help you to have the best chance at beating cancer, and improve your quality of life during and after treatment.

If you or a loved one has received a diagnosis of cancer, please email or call us today to access the best tests and treatments available worldwide.

Register for a Precision Second Opinion to discover how we can help you to reduce stress and dramatically increase treatment success.

Precision Oncology: Feel Better, Faster.

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"I can’t tell you how much your support means to me. My call today with you was invaluable. You came into our lives at the perfect time. It’s rare to just be able to talk without a sales pitch. I could tell that my needs were more important." - Diane

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