Access the Most Advanced Cancer Care in the World

Your personalized cancer care concierge: We help you (and your doctor) get the newest cancer treatments and diagnostics – fast.

Leading experts in Precision Cancer Medicine since 2010.

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"I can’t tell you how much your support means to me. My call today with you was invaluable. You came into our lives at the perfect time. It’s rare to just be able to talk without a sales pitch. I could tell that my needs were more important." - Diane

Discover how you can get better cancer treatment! Get your questions answered now

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What our clients say:

Rosario T

"CTOAM is a great research facility for those patients with any kind of cancer but especially for those who are not getting help from their current treatment.

All the staff at CTOAM are eager to support and help and Alex is a wealth of knowledge and experience. He will step you through the sometimes bewildering science of the most recent innovations in the scientific treatment of cancer with grace, kindness, and confidence.

CTOAM offers access to advanced services often not provided through standard cancer clinics.

Alex takes a personal interest in the progress of each patient and frequently takes the initiative to check in and see how things are going. He will work with your oncologists to help assure you get the best treatment possible for your specific tumor makeup.

I have no doubt that without CTOAM I would not be alive today to write this."

- Rosario T.

Erin H

"Yeah, I would hands-down recommend CTOAM.

You know, you can't turn back time. I just wish we had known about Alex and CTOAM at the time of diagnosis for us. I think it would have saved both of us a lot of stress and all of that. The last almost five years have been so tough. Had we been involved with you at the very beginning, it would have made everything so much easier."

I've been really impressed with CTOAM. Alex has been pretty amazing.. I feel that there's a lot of trust on my end – like, with your team working with Korey.

I'm just really grateful. Because I don't think Korey would still be here if we weren’t involved with CTOAM."

- Erin H.


"I‘ve just trusted in the medical system in this country forever and I was really surprised to find that by going to a private oncologist I could get the drugs I actually need versus the drugs that my local cancer agency could give me

CTOAM was able to help me get these drugs, so I’m not paying for them. I’ve been on the new drugs now for a few months and I feel better than I’ve felt in a couple of years.

I feel really good – like, shockingly good. And I’m not having any side effects from them at all. I feel fabulous. Although I do often have tired days still."

- Lisa, client and breast cancer survivor


"I can’t tell you how much your support means to me. My call today with Alex was invaluable. You came into our lives at the perfect time. It’s rare to just be able to talk without a sales pitch. I could tell that my needs were more important.

We know that we need to be our own advocates and your help just got us another step further. Alex was genuine, knowledgeable and passionate and that’s what I need...

I wanted you to know how much this has meant to me and my family."

- Diane

Teri K

"Dear Michelle, I just wanted to thank you and Alex so much. Since I have found you - CTOAM - I have felt such peace of mind. I was out there researching and researching and trying to understand my cancer and what treatments are best.

I now have a better understanding of my cancer and, with this education you are providing, I will know when and why and how to move forward.

I love you both just from the times I’ve seen you on Zoom and the conversations we have had. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can see how much of your time, heart and energy that you have put into this. You have made my life better already.

With a grateful heart,"

– Teri K.


"For a lot of people, I think the route with Alex is sort of a must.

I always tell people to call Alex - I mean, it’s just a phone call. I trusted him wholly right away. He shows you the science behind everything and then it’s up to you to decide what you want to do. He goes along with your choices, never forces anything on you.

I wished I’d known about CTOAM a lot sooner and talked to you three years ago. But thankfully it all worked out.

I love you both just from the times I’ve seen you on Zoom and the conversations we have had. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I can see how much of your time, heart and energy that you have put into this. You have made my life better already.

Without Alex, I wouldn't have gotten the immunotherapy and then I'd still be on chemo. Or worse."

– Korey (neuroendocrine survivor, now in remission)

Thomas M

"There are two main reasons I chose CTOAM. They’re both ‘s’ words: Science and Support.

Your team adds something into the cancer equation that nobody else has, and that is bringing medical science. And there is no other organization or group that I have come across that talks about medical science. And that is the huge addition here.

Another thing is support. The availability of Alex and Michelle - just being able to call them and get the support I need going forward. So those two things in particular and their determination to get things done.

I say it even makes me kind of excited about the possibilities going forward, but I hesitate to use the word excitement when I'm talking about cancer."

- Thomas M.

Katie M

"I am very grateful to have had a phone consultation with Alex at CTOAM. Knowing it is a private facility I was expecting a hard sales pitch with exorbitant costs as I’ve seen with other private medical businesses

I was delighted with the genuine care and honest information I was provided about how and when they could best assist me, and how I could already start advocating for myself and seek the best care options before I am ready to seek their services and expertise.

I am really grateful that there are experts to help take the weight of endless overwhelming research from patients who are doing all they can to navigate the nightmarish world of cancer. Thank you Alex and CTOAM!"

– Katie M.

CTOAM Precision Oncology: Your Personalized Cancer Care Concierge

The missing link in your cancer care.

Connecting the right treatment to the right patient (you!)
100% evidence-based, peer-reviewed medical science.
Our Cancer Care Research and Advocacy Specialists bring you and your doctor the newest advances in personalized cancer care, as fast as possible.
We will go the extra mile and pull out all the stops...
so you get the treatment you need, now.
We work with your oncologist to give you the most accurate diagnosis and very best personalized treatment.

CTOAM is a group of multi-disciplinary Cancer Care Research and Advocacy Specialists whose primary objective is to help extend the lives of cancer patients, using the most current medical science, including the most advanced screening; diagnostic; and therapeutic technologies.

We work with patients and their physicians in support of precision cancer care, beyond the traditional and minimalist treatment provided by many public health agencies across the globe.

Over the past 15 years, we’ve been known for our sophisticated clinical support. Our Scientific Research and Advocacy Team has served cancer patients and their doctors around the world, including Europe, Asia, and North America; and we’ve received patient referrals from leading institutions including the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins.

On our website, you will find a wealth of educational material describing our advanced approach to cancer therapy. You can download our Precision Oncology ebook or use the Search Bar below to find what you’re looking for.

Test tube services

How We Help You – Your Personal Cancer Care Concierge

Family with their doctor

Cancer Treatment Options and Management is here to help cancer patients and their physicians access advanced diagnostic technologies and treatment options. These include genetic sequencing (tumor DNA sequencing), liquid biopsy for early cancer detection and for precise and rapid treatment monitoring; PET-CT imaging; and advanced treatment options such as immunotherapy, targeted therapies, brachytherapy, and BrainPath for hard to reach CNS tumors.

Our Scientific Research and Advocacy Team is constantly reviewing the latest innovations in technology and treatment. This means that you can have confidence that Cancer Treatment Options and Management is always going to be ahead of standard care. And, in consultation with your oncologist, our team will help you and your doctor to access the most advanced cancer care options that medical science has to offer.

Patient Success Stories: We have helped many patients to success in battling cancer.

"We had great success with CTOAM with my husband’s melanoma. Greg followed CTOAM’s recommendations and is now over 5 years cancer free."
– Mary, wife of Greg (melanoma survivor)

See feedback from some of our clients.

Our Partners...

Nico Corporation logo
Liquid Genomics logo
CureMatch logo
Norgen Biotek logo
Audubon Bioscience logo
Heal Mary logo
Initito logo
Omicure logo
Johnson and Johnson logo
PheonoPath logo
Fulgent logo


Conversation with patient

Collection and review of your medical records, personal health, and family history

Personalized research based on the latest peer-reviewed science

Thorough review of current scientific literature, and personalized report with treatment options

Custom nutraceutical and exercise program based on your cancer

1-2 hour one-on-one consultation where you can ask any question about your cancer

Personalized treatment recommendations within 10 days

Provides you with a detailed report outlining next steps for optimal care

Uses genetic sequencing of your cancer for most precise diagnosis with treatment recommendations within 6 weeks

List of personalized treatment options based on the unique cause of your cancer

Prioritizes the use of targeted therapies for better outcomes and fewer side-effects

Uses advanced imaging to get a more accurate diagnosis

Helps you get access to best targeted therapy for your cancer, no matter where you live

Monitors treatment effectiveness in real time - within days instead of months

Do You Want Access to Better Cancer Care??

DNA and a tablet

In order for us to support your efforts against cancer, it is important that our Scientific Research and Advocacy Team review your history, diagnostics, and current treatment plan.

We will work with you to understand how you were diagnosed, what treatments you were prescribed, the effect of the therapy (on you and your family), and the outcome of treatment. This preliminary consultation is also used to help confirm whether your case will qualify for the advanced treatment options provided by Cancer Treatment Options and Management.

Cancer Treatment Options And Management:
Precision Oncology Process

1. Precision Second Opinion

This service is launched with the gathering of a brief medical history. Any files and documents that our team needs for their review will be requested. Then the CTOAM Client Care Coordinator assigned to your case will submit your medical history form to our Scientific Research and Advocacy Team for detailed analysis and review. A summary and recommendation report will be generated and sent back for you and your physician.

2. Customized Options

Our Scientific Research and Advocacy Team then develops customized options for you based on your medical review and the most advantageous, corresponding advanced technologies in cancer care. We are strong advocates for personalized medicine, and will – in consultation with your oncologist – help you and your doctor to incorporate the most latest genetic and genomic technologies into your treatment plan.

Get a Precision Second Opinion!
Learn More!

"Let me thank you for the time you and Alex spent with us the other evening. We were impressed with your knowledge, professionalism, caring, and obvious passion for what you do."
– M. and G. Hildebrand

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Better Survival Rates

Ctoam Patient Survival Statistics

The graph above clearly shows the incredible, life-extending benefits of Cancer Treatment Options and Management's unique precision oncology services with patients who were, according to their Oncologist, fairly far along in their cancer progression: They had been diagnosed with Stage IV cancers and had already tried one or more forms of treatment as prescribed by their oncologist.

We stepped in with our unique Precision Oncology Process and the Four Pillars of Precision Oncology – and, in consultation with their oncologists, we helped these patients and their doctors to access the treatments that were going to provide them with the greatest benefit, according to our scientific research.

The result?

As you can see, even our Stage IV patients live significantly longer lives than they would have with standard cancer care. In fact, many have lived for years, and counting.

Now, just imagine what we can do for those who come to us in the early stages of their cancer.

Access the Best Personalized Cancer Medicine, Now!

"Personalised management is considered as the future of cancer care: medicine aiming at giving patients the best treatment according to their personal medical history, their physiological status, and the molecular characteristics of their tumours."
Start Today!

Targeted Therapies

Due to time and budget constraints, current standard oncological practices use older technologies (such as basic blood tests and ultrasounds) and treatments (like traditional chemo and radiation) that aren't as accurate as precision diagnostics and personalized targeted treatments.

Standard Chemotherapy

Targets all of the rapidly reproducing cells in your body, including healthy cells like hair cells and immune cells

Has strong side effects (grade 3 and 4)

Targeted Cancer Therapies

Only target cells that are carrying cancerous mutations

Are less invasive, and have fewer and less severe side effects (grade 1 and 2)

Ensure that only the cancerous cells are dying, not the healthy ones

We hear so many stories of failed cancer treatments – and of the agonizing experience of chemo – and yet it doesn't have to be this way. Cancer care has evolved far beyond basic blood tests, ultrasound, CT scans, and standard chemotherapy and radiation.

The Fastest Cancer Testing and Treatment

Oftentimes, with standard care, you need to wait anywhere between 4 to 6 weeks – and often longer – just to get your first appointment with an oncologist. And scheduling surgery can easily take just as long.

Hand Pile
  • Time is crucial with cancer: Because of the speedy nature of both precision oncology and private companies, Cancer Treatment Options and Management is able to provide our clients with much faster results. Within the time it takes you to get an appointment with your oncologist, we will have discovered everything you and your oncologist need to know about your form of cancer to ensure you have the greatest chance of success.
  • Get the right tests and treatment ASAP: Our research and advocacy team will create a detailed report outlining the approved treatment options that will provide you with the best chance of beating cancer. With our help, your oncologist will be able to quickly review all approved treatments that are well-suited to you and make confident decisions about what treatment you should be on now, and down the road.
  • Access treatment at home, at little cost: Our Scientific Research and Advocacy Team will work directly with your oncologist or primary care physician to gain you access to the treatment you need as close to home and for as close to free as possible.

In other words: if you call us when you are diagnosed with cancer, you will already have targeted treatment recommendation(s) from our Scientific Research and Advocacy Team, which you can bring to your first appointment with your oncologist. Everything we do is in consultation with your oncologist: our specialists make it easy for your doctor to have all the information and peer-reviewed scientific data they need to feel confident exploring the treatment options our research has identified.

Medical Breakthroughs in Cancer Treatment and Management

The good news is that medical science has made many advancements since these types of tests and treatments. There now exist:

  • Advanced imaging techniques, like PET/CT scans, that can pinpoint exactly where the cancer is in a person's body, without a doubt
  • Detailed genetic panels and liquid biopsies that show us exactly what mutations are causing your cancer to grow
  • Literally, hundreds of targeted therapy treatments that are designed to specifically target only the cancerous cells, and leave your healthy cells alone.

The bad news is that these tests and treatments are not currently accessible, for the most part, via mainstream health care in North America. In Europe, organizations like ESMO are leading the way to ensure precision oncology becomes integrated into standard health care. And in North America, private companies like Cancer Treatment Options and Management are stepping up to ensure that the most advanced genomic tests and targeted treatments in the world are accessible to cancer patients who need them now.

In the future, precision oncology will absolutely be the standard in cancer treatment, beyond doubt. It is just a matter of time until mainstream health care has enough budget and time to integrate it.

In the meantime, there is Cancer Treatment Options and Management.

Get access to the most advanced tests and treatments that medical science has to offer – for as close to free, and as close to your home, as possible.

Tell me more!

Your Personal Assistant in Precision Oncology


Cancer Treatment Options and Management also acts as your personal assistant throughout the entire process of your treatment. Our Scientific Research and Advocacy Team takes care of everything for you and stays in constant contact, available to answer any of your questions or concerns. This includes:

  • Helping to coordinate advanced diagnostics, in consultation with your oncologist
  • Identifying treatment recommendations and delivering them to you and your oncologist
  • Helping you to access advanced treatment monitoring technologies, in consultation with your oncologist
  • Course correction, if needed, in consultation with your oncologist: identifying further treatment recommendations and delivering them to you and your oncologist
  • Advocating on your behalf with doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies
  • Consulting regularly with your oncologist
  • Ensuring you and your loved ones have emotional support

The Most Affordable Precision Oncology Services at Home

Woman on the phone

The services provided by our research scientists, lab partners, and care team are also offered by the Mayo Clinic in the U.S. at double the price, on average. Likewise, the same services are offered by European cancer treatment centers at a higher cost, plus travel expenses and disruption to your daily life. At Cancer Treatment Options and Management, our Cancer Care Research and Advocacy Specialists provide these exact same advanced services for you, wherever you are located.

So you can stay home and access the same service at half the cost of those offered elsewhere in the world.

And remember that because Canadian privacy laws are so strong (and Cancer Treatment Options and Management is a Canadian company), all of your medical records and data that we discover remain strictly confidential until you give permission to share them.

This is a brand new model that Cancer Treatment Options and Management has created for cancer care in Canada, as well as worldwide, and it is the future of precision cancer medicine.

"I’ve been on the targeted drugs now for a few months and I feel better than I’ve felt in a couple of years. I feel really good – like, shockingly good. And I’m not having any side effects from them at all. I feel fabulous."
Lisa, breast cancer survivor

Is Your Current Cancer Treatment Not Working?

Holding Hands with a Doctor

In cancer, how fast and how accurately you act can make all the difference between life and death.

We’ve had clients who’d been told by standard medicine that there was nothing more that could be done – that the next step was palliative care. And then they came to Cancer Treatment Options and Management. After our cancer care specialists used their advanced diagnostic and imaging tests and coordinated a targeted therapy regime with the client’s doctor, the client’s tumours shrunk significantly – to the point where surgery could be performed, and in other cases, no surgery was necessary. They went from palliative care to full recovery, and are still healthy and happy years later. This is the advantage of precision oncology.

It’s a fact: you have a better chance of recovery with precision oncology’s targeted treatment options than with current standard treatment. With personalized cancer research & oncogenomics, Cancer Treatment Options and Management covers all aspects of your cancer – from its unique genetic heritage to lifestyle and environmental factors that may have influenced its development – to provide you with access to the best possible treatment options for your form of cancer.

Just imagine, within two weeks of becoming our client, you can be moving forward with a targeted cancer therapy – one that you, and your oncologist, know is right for you – and feeling confident that you are doing the very best that you can to beat cancer and get back to enjoying life to the fullest.

Find out more about how precision oncology can help you, today!

Register for your powerful Precision Second Opinion

Register now

You don’t have to travel;
You don’t have to change doctors;
You don’t have to guess or hope that treatment is working, you’ll know it is!

Cancer Treatment Options and Management
Helping You Access Better Cancer Care