Know your rights with Canadian privacy laws

CTOAM Client Confidentiality Agreement


You have the right to have your personal information protected from any public exposure, so that you can be ensured of privacy and the protection of confidentiality.

CTOAM will keep a file specific to your personalized research and medical records. File notes help CTOAM staff to track general conversations and organize data collected on your behalf. If you believe it is important for us to keep specific notes (i.e. you foresee needing them in court), please let us know.

Limits of Confidentiality:

A client’s confidentiality cannot and will not be protected:

  • If a client threatens bodily harm to self or others
  • If CTOAM staff are subpoenaed to testify in court

Permission to Consult:

From time to time, during our research, we may desire to share some information with colleagues about your specific case so that we may better serve you in our work together. All information would be shared in such a way that your identity is kept absolutely confidential.

Permission to Use Information for Clinical Research Purposes:

As an educator and researcher, in order to inform and educate students and colleagues about clinical conversations, I may wish to use information about our sessions. All information would be shared in such a way that your identity is kept absolutely confidential.

If you have any other questions or requests regarding confidentiality or the confidential use of your information for consultation or training purposes please let us know.

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