This letter is to give a recommendation to CTOAM and the quality of consultation service provided by Alex Rolland. Had I not happened upon an introduction to the services offered by CTOAM nearly one year ago, I don’t think I would be sitting here today.
To give you some background, I had been diagnosed with a rare type of cancer. I was not given the option to have surgery, even though I was adamant about going this route. Instead, I was directed to a chemo oncologist. After three months of two types of drugs, which reduced my immune system to one seventh of what it should be, I was being pushed into another three month program on a different drug.
At this stage, I was barely able to function, not sleeping more than two hours a night over several weeks. My better judgement told me to stop all allopathic procedures and give my body a rest – at least give it time to regain some balance and find it’s own natural rhythm. During this period, I tried alternatives and when these didn’t reduce the tumor (although they seemed to arrest the growth), I went back to the chemo oncologist who then prescribed a drug that I took for five weeks. Alarmingly, the tumour progressed rapidly.
At this point, I approached CTOAM and engaged their services in monitoring the drug treatment program. Alex found that I had been prescribed a drug that wasn’t even targeted to my type of cancer. He also found that the diagnosis was not complete (in view of tests that could have been done to render a more exact treatment). My oncologist wasn’t concerned about any of this, other than to get me back on a full chemo by intravenous program. She flippantly wrote in her report that "my window of time had passed" – a notation that both alarmed and put me into a depressive spin.
Alex Rolland was supportive through this traumatic period, offering advice on nutraceuticals, antioxidants, foods, and other supplements, and supplied me with the peer-reviewed scientific evidence so I could feel comfortable knowing they [the nutraceuticals] would actually benefit me and work synergistically, (and not interact negatively), with my treatments.
From CTOAM I learned about an expensive diagnostic tool, knowledge of which made me feel a lot more comfortable when my oncologist coincidentally proposed this test the following week. Alex also suggested having the new chemo dosage level lowered – something I never knew was possible with the medical profession. That was done and I was able to tolerate the second chemo program with greater ease. Alex also made me more aware of clinical trials across the North American Continent – should this be a consideration in the future.
Throughout my treatment program, Alex Rolland monitored the lab results and doctors’ reports, and gave advice on how I could increase my chances of recovery. He researched the drugs and treatment modalities I was prescribed, giving me more precise info on how they act on the cancer cells and what alternatives there might be available to me.
He even researched and provided info on exercises geared to assist breast cancer patients. In this second stage of treatment, friends and medical staff commented on how well I looked and said that I ‘didn’t fit the picture of someone having cancer.’ Believe me, this was not due to the chemo treatment I was on.
The knowledge base, expertise, and attention to detail that CTOAM extended to me underscores their professional services. Not only was I better informed and able to make more effective decisions regarding the treatment options, I truly felt Alex’s genuine concern for rebuilding his clients health and improving their quality of life. There is no dollar value that you can put on the strength of such support and the courage it gives one to go forward in life.
With immense gratitude,
Miranda Ranger
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Do you want to learn all you can about your options for cancer treatment? If someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, please email or call us today to access the best tests and treatments that medical science has to offer – as close to home as possible.
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Precision Oncology: Feel Better, Faster.
Dear Alex,
I’ve decided to send you this email because I want you to know what a difference you are making in my life – because knowing I’m doing all I can toward long-term remission provides me with both peace of mind and very positive outlook. In addition, the following background may be helpful for you to share with other men or women that may be diagnosed with some form of cancer.
Early in January when my UTI did not respond to antibiotics in a timely fashion, I felt very fortunate that I was in good hands with my GP who recognized the symptoms. She arranged for me to have a CT scan immediately, which showed a mass in my bladder. She immediately referred me to one of our top urologists who shocked me when he told me I had bladder cancer. He set up an OR date for a TURBT surgical procedure February 6th to remove the bladder tumour. Samples of biopsies were sent to pathology and the results stated aggressive carcinoma.
Even though I had the utmost confidence in my urologist, according to statistics there was an 80% chance of tumour re-growth, and I wanted to be sure that I was doing everything possible to obtain long-term remission. I spent hours on the internet searching for answers when I learned that a cancer specialist from Vancouver was conducting a cancer seminar at the Calgary health show March 18th and 19th...and am I ever so pleased that I attended. As you will recall, I visited with you after your seminar and because I was enthusiastic about our meeting on the 18th, I returned to meet with you again the next day. We have corresponded either by phone or email ever since.
My urologist suggested a follow up TURBT procedure April 9th to ensure that he’d gotten it all. After receiving a positive response from pathology, at your request, I sent you copies of all my health and surgical records concerning my bladder cancer. I was amazed at the amount of detail that you assembled and I can assure you that I’m now aware of how in-depth you go with your personalized approach. Your recommended nutraceuticals designed to enhance the recommended treatment by my urologist convinces me that I’m definitely on the right track.
I feel confident and extremely fortunate, Alex, to be able to avail myself of your vast experience and expertise and it is important for me to tell you how much I value our relationship.
Kindest personal regards,,
Ron Edgar
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Do you want to learn all you can about your options for cancer treatment? If someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, please email or call us today to access the best tests and treatments that medical science has to offer – as close to home as possible.
Register for a Precision Second Opinion to discover how we can help you to reduce stress and dramatically increase treatment success.
Precision Oncology: Feel Better, Faster.
My battle with cancer began in November 2011 when I was told I had an aggressive form of breast cancer. On December 30th, I had a mastectomy and some lymph nodes removed. It was recommended that I also undergo a full course of chemotherapy and radiation.
Shortly after my surgery, I had the good fortune of attending a health show in Victoria, where Alex Rolland (of Cancer Treatment Options and Management Inc.) was speaking. What he said struck a real chord with me – and, clearly, with many other attendees looking for alternate ways of dealing with their own cancers or, like myself, looking to support the conventional treatment of chemo and radiation as set out for me by my specialists.
I arranged a one-hour consultation with Alex and came away with a sound plan to help sensitize my cancer cells to the chemo and target the cancer-causing genes through supplements and dietary changes. Alex remained unfailingly positive and accessible for my many questions. That is a great comfort for any cancer patient!
CTOAM seeks to provide a personalized approach to managing a patient’s cancer. Their research scientists are up to date on the latest advances in cancer research so that the plan they outline for each patient maximizes their chances for a successful outcome.
Alex Rolland was supportive through this traumatic period, offering advice on nutraceuticals, antioxidants, foods, and other supplements, and supplied me with the peer-reviewed scientific evidence so I could feel comfortable knowing they [the nutraceuticals] would actually benefit me and work synergistically, (and not interact negatively), with my treatments.
Alex was keen to work cooperatively with my oncologist. It is my belief that all cancer patients would be better served by this collaborative approach to treatment. As I begin my radiation next week I will continue with Alex on my ‘team’. I am confident that his recommendations will be every bit as critical for my outcome as the radiation itself.
Sonja Fasoli – 57 years of age and in love with life
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Do you want to learn all you can about your options for cancer treatment? If someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, please email or call us today to access the best tests and treatments that medical science has to offer – as close to home as possible.
Register for a Precision Second Opinion to discover how we can help you to reduce stress and dramatically increase treatment success.
Precision Oncology: Feel Better, Faster.
"I can’t tell you how much your support means to me. My call today with you was invaluable. You came into our lives at the perfect time. It’s rare to just be able to talk without a sales pitch. I could tell that my needs were more important." - Diane
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