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"I can’t tell you how much your support means to me. My call today with you was invaluable. You came into our lives at the perfect time. It’s rare to just be able to talk without a sales pitch. I could tell that my needs were more important." - Diane

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When Is the Right Time to Start Targeted Therapy?

With cancer, two main factors influence the efficacy of your treatment. They are:

  1. How accurate your initial diagnosis is
  2. How fast you start the right treatment for your cancer

The reason why so many cancer treatments fail, or go on for so long, is because the initial diagnosis and subsequent treatment are often incorrect. Precision oncology circumvents this waste of time by providing cancer patients with innovative tests that show exactly where the cancer is and what is the cause. This is then complemented by targeted therapies, which have higher rates of success than standard treatment, and fewer and less severe side effects.

CTOAM’s precision oncology specialists will facilitate all necessary testing, analyze and interpret your genetic information and review the most recent, peer-reviewed scientific studies to determine the best treatment options for your form of cancer.

So, if you’re wondering when the right time to start precision oncology is, chances are it’s probably now.

  • It is the right time to call CTOAM if:
    • You think you might have cancer
    • You’ve just received a diagnosis of cancer
    • You’re on standard treatment and it’s not working
    • You’re on standard treatment and the side effects are too much
    • You’ve been told by standard cancer care that there’s nothing more that can be done for you

As soon as you call us, CTOAM’s Cancer Care Research and Advocacy Specialists will identify the best targeted cancer treatment options for you, and help you access them as quickly as possible. Your treatment team will receive a detailed report identifying the best evidence-based approaches for treating your cancer. Further, CTOAM’s care team will continue monitoring your case until you are better – and even after you’re better, we’ll continue to update you with any scientific advancements pertaining to your case.

Please call or email CTOAM today if you think you might have cancer, know you do, or have been told there’s nothing else that be done for you. There are always more treatment options, and our specialists are here to help you determine what they are and access them – so you can get back to living your life.

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"I can’t tell you how much your support means to me. My call today with you was invaluable. You came into our lives at the perfect time. It’s rare to just be able to talk without a sales pitch. I could tell that my needs were more important." - Diane

Discover how you can get better cancer treatment! Get your questions answered now

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